Dave comes across often as being a bit of a harda**, it only takes a little bit of scraping the surface to realize he's all bark, no bite lol. He loves his family very much even if he's not always very good at verbalizing it. Dave loves his mom to the moon and back and fact is, she's not getting any younger. He lost his dad some 20 yrs ago and due to fires and just life in general, he doesn't have many pictures of his dad. So as a very early birthday present, I hired a photographer to do some photos of all of us and Grandma.
Seems simple enough right? Not a chance.
Rather than wait until his birthday when the weather is much more unpredictable, we decided to do them at the end of July. Then life started to happen. First, it started with J, who got the black eye of all black eyes. She has this terrible habit, has been doing it since she was little, and silently stands behind you, I swear she doesn't even breathe. For such a loud kid, when she is behind you she just goes into stealth mode. So one day at the pool, she went into stealth mode, standing behind her very big brother while playing water basketball. For those who know J, the disparity between her height (she's very little) and her big brother (who's very big), is a lot. So as she stood behind him saying nothing, he brought his elbow back, and caught her right in the corner of her eye. Hard. It started turning black immediately. By the time she got home, she already had a good shiner going. By the next day, it looked like this:

So as you can see, not exactly what we wanted to remember for all times in a nice family photo. After taking her to the eye doctor to make sure she wasn't irreparably broken, we just had to wait it out...and wait she made us! In the end, we had to wait nearly 3 weeks until it was healed enough that we could go ahead, several postponed dates in the meantime. Oh - and of course there in the midst of all this was the 'Matthias got hit by a car incident', between black eyes and road rash it felt like we had to wait forever!
Finally, we were able to do the pictures. The forecast didn't look good but in the end the weather held out for us. The mosquitoes didn't though. The moment we got to our first location we started getting eaten alive! With all the rain we've had this year I guess it's not really all that surprising, but of course we forgot bug spray. So Dave jumped into the van and ran home to get some while we started some pictures we didn't need him for. Grandma was a real trooper through it all, taking pictures with the kids all together...then of course each one wanted their own picture with Grandma. I know it was really tiring for her but she stuck it out so each of them could have their own special picture, even with the ever busy Jeshua who refused to keep his tongue in his mouth. Of course when it came time for a picture with just her and Dave, her sense of humour is still very well intact declaring 'WHAT! A picture with that ugly guy!?' Of course, when planning pictures outdoors through water and rocks...it may be in my best interest to choose some better foot wear next time, I tried to take my toe off and my feet are COVERED in bites!
Two hours it took, but we got'em done! We are still waiting to get them back, once we do I will post them. Once again hats off to our wonderful photographer Kristina. She is so patient and willing to do just about anything to get a great shot. She has customers for life in this family. Here is a link to her website and her flickr page if you want to check out her work!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristinabphoto/ http://www.kristinabphoto.ca/KBP/Welcome.html
Well, that's it for today...
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