J's birthday is coming up at the beginning of September. Usually for their birthday, they get a sleepover with a friend or two, family dinner, and then a night out with just mom and dad. We normally take them to a nicer restaurant, one we can't afford to go to all together, and then they get to pick a movie of their choice, maybe we'll do some shopping if we have time.
This time, there was a concert that J really wanted to go to, and two days before the sold out concert, they released a few more tickets and we scored some! This resulted in a very excited soon to be 11 yr old. Dave was already doing security for the concert so we only needed two tickets thankfully.
M had been at camp for the previous week and he actually just came home Friday afternoon, I didn't expect he would want to stay home that night so we had a girl a few streets over come and help Seraiah babysit her brothers. Turns out he didn't go out after all, but that's ok.
We got ready to go, she was just bouncing the whole day she was so excited, and went to the Enmax to pick up the tickets. This was her first concert, and quite frankly it was only my second! My first was just this past spring at the Eric Church concert, lucky bugger!! While we were waiting to pick up
our tickets she could hear Selena rehearsing....OH my goodness, just so exciting!!We ran to Costco quick to grab a snack and went back to wait in line, man that place gets hot in the summer!! Once inside, we were happy to see that our seats were pretty good. I opted for first level as opposed to some floor seats that were available because I was concerned she wouldn't be able to see very well, and I'm glad I did!

From where we sat we had a clear view of the stage, we could actually see Selena, we didn't have to look at the screen at all! We grabbed some popcorn and pops, which of course we promptly spilled as people filed past us to their seats, what a sticky mess! J had fun playing 'where is daddy now' as he did his security thing, she thought it was pretty cool later on once the music was playing that he was right at the stage as all the screaming tweens tried to mob Selena lol.

As the opening act started...Carrie somethingorother....J looks at me and says alarmed...'I thought this was a Selena concert?!' I supposed I should have explained to her the concept of the opening act. After the first girl was Emblem 3, a boy band that set off shrieks that made me more than slightly deaf, of course at the point my cellphone died so that was the end of pictures for the night. While watching this boy band, I did feel old as I really just wanted to tell them to pull up their pants...I have to say though as for Selena, it actually wasn't a bad concert, it was entertaining and the music was not too bad, I did recognize a few of the songs. J bopped happily along to the music, waving her light-up microphone thingy she got from the concession and dancing in her seat. For one night, Dave and I were the coolest parents ever.
J was wearing this neon orange top that really glowed in the lights, and she was so thrilled when they flashed her face on the screen, it totally made her night!
Going back to that spilled pop though, once the concert was finished, we went to get up and join Dave, and were stuck solid to the floor lol. Thankfully my hubby was watching out for us as always and had some of the other security people earlier bring us some bottled water, we used what was left to unstick ourselves! We took J out for a quick dinner after the concert then the two of us drove home, Dave was dj'ing the next day so he stayed the night at his friends house. We didn't get home until 1am and I was happy to see the older kids held down the fort just fine while we were gone, it's the longest we've ever left them alone to babysit their brothers, so it was nice to see they were well taken care of and the house was in one piece while we were out of town for the day. I think this could be the start of a lot of fun for the kids as I'm already looking for the next concert to take one to!
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