Clearly I am a bad blogger. The reason I started this was so one day we could look back and see what was happening in our life...and life got in the way so I kept meaning to post but never doing it!! After yesterday's events I thought perhaps it was time to start posting now and again...
It was a typical day, I got up and went to work. It was a great day at work where I felt like I accomplished a lot, I love those days. Most people stick their noses up at the idea of working in a cold dairy/freezer but I really enjoy it. I have two staff members who are relatively new to my department and seeing them work together so well just made my day! The only part of my day that was un-typical was I left work early as I had started my day early to do some cleaning in my department, something that ended out serving me very well later on.
After getting home I was tired (having gotten up at 4am) so I sat on the couch for a bit, debating what to make for dinner and how to spend the rest of the day. The little boys are in a big 'mommy' phase and were 'resting' with me...aka climbing all over me with very bony elbowy cuddles lol. Just as I was looking at the clock thinking "I wonder where Matthias is, he should be getting home from the pool any minute now" my phone rang. I had barely answered when my sisters voice says - get to Blairmore, Matthias has been hit by a car.-
I grabbed my wallet and keys yelling to Seraiah she was in charge of the kids, only to realize as I am dialing Dave that I have grabbed the house phone not my cell...back in the house, get my cell, run back out to the car, and my friend Teri is on the phone telling me Matthias was hit in Blairmore, the ambulance is with him, do I need a ride. I probably should have said yes but I was already driving. I hang up with her and try to call Dave, he's not answering his phone so I call his boss....who probably thinks I am a crazy lunatic as I fumble for the words telling him to get Dave to meet me at the hospital. Dave finally calls me and I get him to send his mom to the house to be with the other kids.
We get to the hospital and find out the ambulance isn't even there yet! They got there just after us, and we wait. Gotta love that hurry up and wait. They let us know he is conscious, that's good. Once we are finally allowed in, poor kid is so upset. He's all scratched up and bleeding, his one finger looks like hamburger. They assess him, no apparent neck or back injuries, that's good! He is sent off for xrays of his collar bone which is looking very funky and his hamburgered finger to make sure it isn't crushed. The ambulance tech comes in and tells him it was good he was wearing his helmet or he would probably be on his way to Lethbridge or Calgary. So glad he wasn't being a stupid teenager in that moment and was wearing it!!!
The xrays come back and are ok, that's good news! The nurse starts cleaning up and getting the gravel out of the patches of road rash he has as we start putting together what happened between what Matthias was telling us and what others saw. I guess he got hit in the crosswalk on the back side of his bike. The car ran over his bike, from what we were told he was knocked under the car but the tires missed him, but he was dragged briefly as the car stopped. He is so lucky it wasn't worse!! He's a little traumatized from it all and so so upset about his bicycle, which is totalled. Dave gave him that bike and we can't afford to replace it. (it's a 1200$ bike!) I would assume the guys insurance will eventually cover the bike, but he is supposed to leave for mountain biking camp in two weeks, a camp he will probably miss if we can't find him a bike in time, even one to borrow. It was going to be his first time going to camp for a week and he was so looking forward to it, heartbreakingly disappointed for him.
So the good news is Matthias is ok. He woke up this morning and is stiff as a board. We have to take him to the RCMP station today to make his official statement and follow up with the doc to make sure all is still well.
This also brings me to be so thankful for the small town that we live in, we knew he was hurt right away and we beat him to the hospital. We couldn't see him right away but he knew we were there. In a city we wouldn't have known for much longer. We had two phone calls and two people contact us via facebook right away to make sure we knew what was going on. Also, if I hadn't started work early that morning I would have been a half hour drive away, and of course Dave's boss who is also a friend who didn't hesitate to kick him off the job site and send him to the hospital right away!
Once we realized he was ok, then the fun started, the nurses and hospital staff visiting and joking with Matthias and the use of the injured finger which of course falls in the middle of his hand lol. The nurse remembered us from our terrible terrible June weekend four years ago. We made four trips to emerge that weekend, one with a hurt foot/leg, the next day with a dog bite, then a fish hook in the finger, and the next day all of us from a car accident where a guy ran a stop sign and pegged us off the highway. So clearly bad things happen in multiples for us.. this week it was Jaelle's horrible black eye and now Matthias getting hit by a car, I think we will stay home this weekend!!
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