Saturday, July 21, 2012


So today we got up early and took the kids to the Airshow in Lethbridge, lunch was packed and we were out the door by 8! It was their first time going and it was a surprise, so I was excited but they had no clue what was going on....which really was part of the fun. We got there on time but made the unfortunate mistake of not bringing chairs, so really Jeshie is the only one who got to sit down all day. It was really cool watching all the different kinds of planes do their tricks, I think you appreciate it more as an adult though because you know how difficult it must be to do, where kids take it for granted just a little bit more. It was really cool watching the jet engined bus do it's thing, it was so fast that once it got going I couldn't even get a blurry picture of it! That was something none of us had ever seen before...and then there was the jet engined porta potty, only in Alberta I swear! And yes, the guy actually sits on the toilet in it. Another suped up car did a wheelie for what must have been a kilometer and jet speeds which was crazy cool!

As the day wore on the kids began to watch less and play more, as kids tend to do.  Asher and Jeshua do this love wrestling thing, Asher antagonizes Jeshua by calling him 'poopy pants', Jeshie chases him till his catches him then drags him to the ground and does whatever suits him at the moment. Today that moment meant biting Asher in the ear. So Asher yells of course, we pull them apart, and as I'm checking the ear is see a red blob on the back of it. My first though is 'way to go Mike Tyson, now we're gonna have to go the hospital', until I looked closer and realized that his ear was fine, it was just a piece of saliva logged licorice that Jeshie had spit on his brother in the process of biting him. Yum. But I will admit it is a step up from the near cannibalism I thought was happening....

So at the end of the day, rocking a new, spotty and totally un-even sunburn, we are ready to go home. (I now look like a raccoon, I am burnt mostly on my right side, I have camera straps burnt into my neck and there is a spot under my chin that is still white!) We grab dinnerto go. Once home we start the process of getting 5 kids bathed/showered with one bathroom, sounds fun right?? Inevitably it means a fight starts between the older three which of course it did again the little boys get to bath first, solves the 'who goes first' problem right? Well sorta, it did anyway until Jeshie pooped in the tub and we had to shower them on top of already having a bath and clean the tub!! He's never done that before, I made myself busy so I wouldn't have to be the one to scoop it out :D

That was our day. Tomorrow we have decided to conquer the zoo!

See you soon!

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