Saturday, September 15, 2012
Family Pictures
Not really a post...here are the pictures we had done :D

We really love how they turned out! See you Soon! ~J~

First Day of Kindergarten
Monday was Asher's first day of kindergarten and boy was he excited!! He popped out of bed in the morning demanding to know where his angry birds shirt was and started to get ready to go. He will go all day every Monday and Wednesday and every other Thursday, but the first day was only half a day. I took the day off work to go with him. Here's a few pictures:
Asher's teacher is Ms.Dixon and she is awesome with the kids. There are 11 kids in his class this year which is a great size I think. Thankfully Asher is very familliar with the school seeing as he has been going there for years! He is so happy to be at 'big school' this year with his older brother and sisters. I hope the rest of his year is as good as his first day :)
See you Soon! ~J~
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Babysitting and Pictures
Life continues to be soo busy!! Last week was the start of school and Jaelle's birthday, which was in the last blog.
Saturday I ended out babysitting my sister's 3 kids. Heather ran to Lethbridge in the morning to grab the last few things needed for family pictures the next day...more on that to come, and then went to work directly upon her return, and Matt worked the whole day too. The kids came over before lunch, they spend so much time together they are really more like siblings than cousins. Most of the time this is a good thing but sometimes it means that there's lots of squabbling. I was trying to get our laundry monster tackled once and for all, plus being chauffeur to Matthias who was participating in a bottle drive for school that day for their sports program. They all did pretty good, there was minimal fighting, the older kids got done what they needed to, and most importantly the day was left with everyone still sane lol! After lunch Seraiah took the 'older little kids' to the park which they enjoyed, she did a good job too! No one came home broken....correction, they all came home yeah! I let them all have a freezy when they got back which Jeshie naturally got all over himself, so I started running a bath for him, next thing I knew there were 4 kids in the tub! So they all got bathed up and the little little kids had a nap.
Dave was on the roof all day finally shingling the last section. When we did our addition, we chose to go with brown shingles, the old part of the house had grayish blue shingles, so we re shingled the old roof (and added venting which is never had) to match...well we ended out running out by 1/2 a bundle!! SO close, Dave did get it done that day, but had to run to Pincher Creek to get another bundle so he could get it done lol, none of the stores here in town had any of the right ones...although someone did suggest just getting a different colour for the last little section...thanks but no. So KFC it was for dinner!! We hardly ever go there, we like the food but the service at the store here in town is awful...something I am reminded of each time I go there. Not only were they over 20 minutes late with our food, but while I sat and waited I got to listen to the supervise verbally berate this young kid who seemed to be doing an ok job, have a loud and obnoxious conversation with his buddies that came in and give them free drinks, but once I got home I found out they couldn't even count out the right amount for what I paid for >( Once again, not impressed. We had a nice quiet end to our night though, watching a movie with the kids...the older kids chose to watch ALIVE on another tv, which they seemed to enjoy, and Jaelle, who was spending her birthday day with her Nana got home shortly before 9 to show us her new kicks and outfit.
Sunday was spent getting ready for our family pictures! We decided to go in on a photographer together, our family and Heather's family, and get some combined pics as well as each our own families...It's so much work to do this though!! We had our Sunday morning 'big breakfast' as a family like we normally do, then I started getting ready. I like to coordinate outfits, I think the pictures look better that way when no one person is standing out from the rest. So I got clothes together, ironed them. Made sure Jeshie went down early for a nap so he would be in a good mood. Got the older kids rotating through the shower and starting the girls hair... I love doing my girls hair nice however...you would think that at 10 and 11 yrs old they could sit still to get it done!! Nope, this is still not the case and really really frustrating!! It looked great once it was done as you can see above. By the time I got them done and ready, I had 1/2 hr left to get myself ready to go...Of course Dave spent the afternoon napping, grr. I threw my clothes and my face on as quick as I could, then tried to figure out something with my hair. Dave ended out helping me get that done, or at least partially done, and off we went, only 10 minutes late! We had a great spot picked out, with wicked views of the mountains, however smoke from the BC wildfire rolled in and we couldn't see any of it! We still ended out with some awesome pictures but one day, I will go there and get the mountain pictures I want and it won't snow (like it did for our wedding) or be smoky!! Maybe in the springtime we'll try again. So far we've only got a sneak peak of the pictures, but they look so amazing I can't wait to see the rest of them! I love love love having nice family pictures for my house and to give to family. I also love that we were able to get a big family picture together, maybe next time we'll be lucky enough to have my brother and his family and our sisters in it too?!
Here's a few pictures from babysitting on Saturday:
Saturday I ended out babysitting my sister's 3 kids. Heather ran to Lethbridge in the morning to grab the last few things needed for family pictures the next day...more on that to come, and then went to work directly upon her return, and Matt worked the whole day too. The kids came over before lunch, they spend so much time together they are really more like siblings than cousins. Most of the time this is a good thing but sometimes it means that there's lots of squabbling. I was trying to get our laundry monster tackled once and for all, plus being chauffeur to Matthias who was participating in a bottle drive for school that day for their sports program. They all did pretty good, there was minimal fighting, the older kids got done what they needed to, and most importantly the day was left with everyone still sane lol! After lunch Seraiah took the 'older little kids' to the park which they enjoyed, she did a good job too! No one came home broken....correction, they all came home yeah! I let them all have a freezy when they got back which Jeshie naturally got all over himself, so I started running a bath for him, next thing I knew there were 4 kids in the tub! So they all got bathed up and the little little kids had a nap.

Sunday was spent getting ready for our family pictures! We decided to go in on a photographer together, our family and Heather's family, and get some combined pics as well as each our own families...It's so much work to do this though!! We had our Sunday morning 'big breakfast' as a family like we normally do, then I started getting ready. I like to coordinate outfits, I think the pictures look better that way when no one person is standing out from the rest. So I got clothes together, ironed them. Made sure Jeshie went down early for a nap so he would be in a good mood. Got the older kids rotating through the shower and starting the girls hair... I love doing my girls hair nice however...you would think that at 10 and 11 yrs old they could sit still to get it done!! Nope, this is still not the case and really really frustrating!! It looked great once it was done as you can see above. By the time I got them done and ready, I had 1/2 hr left to get myself ready to go...Of course Dave spent the afternoon napping, grr. I threw my clothes and my face on as quick as I could, then tried to figure out something with my hair. Dave ended out helping me get that done, or at least partially done, and off we went, only 10 minutes late! We had a great spot picked out, with wicked views of the mountains, however smoke from the BC wildfire rolled in and we couldn't see any of it! We still ended out with some awesome pictures but one day, I will go there and get the mountain pictures I want and it won't snow (like it did for our wedding) or be smoky!! Maybe in the springtime we'll try again. So far we've only got a sneak peak of the pictures, but they look so amazing I can't wait to see the rest of them! I love love love having nice family pictures for my house and to give to family. I also love that we were able to get a big family picture together, maybe next time we'll be lucky enough to have my brother and his family and our sisters in it too?!
Here's a few pictures from babysitting on Saturday:
That's it for this post!! See you Soon!! ~J~
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
End of summer
This last weekend ended out being pretty busy for us...it was my first Saturday back to work since my vacation so naturally my alarm didn't go off that morning...I shot out of bed 15 minutes after I was supposed to be at work...awesome. I managed to get to work without getting a speeding ticket...which was a miracle, but it really threw my whole day for a loop. It was such a busy weekend it was hard to keep up. I got off work late since I started late, and Dave was gone for the night to DJ another wedding. The kids and I spent the evening sorting out and splitting up school supplies and having a late late supper.
Dave drove home the next morning and we met up with some new friends out at the lake. It ended out being fairly windy so fishing did not work out so well for us, but we had fun just being out there, having a BBQ; the kids all played together and we had a bit of time to visit which was nice. Jeshie kept making mud puddles to splash in, he loves to get dirty, and Asher was sure to make use of a tree seeing as I am a mean mother who never lets him pee outside lol.
After the lake we rented a few movies and spent the rest of the day lounging at home, something we don't do very often. Monday was a cleanup/make sure we're ready for school day. I also had to get ready for Jaelle's 10th birthday! I made her cake and rice crispy squares which she was bringing to her class. Tuesday was not only her birthday but also the first day of school which she was really excited about. I worked and she went to school for the day, then her uncle Matt and cousins, Grandma, and Aunt Mary came over for dinner. She chose to have a yummy supper of ham, pasta, and corn on the cob for supper. After dinner we had some cake and she opened her presents, by then we were all pooped!
Dave drove home the next morning and we met up with some new friends out at the lake. It ended out being fairly windy so fishing did not work out so well for us, but we had fun just being out there, having a BBQ; the kids all played together and we had a bit of time to visit which was nice. Jeshie kept making mud puddles to splash in, he loves to get dirty, and Asher was sure to make use of a tree seeing as I am a mean mother who never lets him pee outside lol.
After the lake we rented a few movies and spent the rest of the day lounging at home, something we don't do very often. Monday was a cleanup/make sure we're ready for school day. I also had to get ready for Jaelle's 10th birthday! I made her cake and rice crispy squares which she was bringing to her class. Tuesday was not only her birthday but also the first day of school which she was really excited about. I worked and she went to school for the day, then her uncle Matt and cousins, Grandma, and Aunt Mary came over for dinner. She chose to have a yummy supper of ham, pasta, and corn on the cob for supper. After dinner we had some cake and she opened her presents, by then we were all pooped!
I really do enjoy my kids birthdays and trying to make them feel extra special for a day, even if it is a lot of work!! We decided this year since the kids get presents from other people, that for J's birthday we got her something small (earring and an Angry Birds tshirt), that her gift from us would be dinner and a movie in the city one night. She liked that too :)
Between getting back into school routine, work, Jaelle's birthday activities, and Dave's birthday later this month, September should be pretty busy!! Does life ever slow down?? I don't think it does...still can't believe it's already the end of summer!
See you Soon!! ~J~
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